2023 Bourne Lab news

Huge congratulations to our local rock star Felipe Avelino da Costa Ferreira for being awarded TWO summer fellowships!

He received the University-wide Undergraduate and Creative Activity fellowship, which he declined to accept the departmental Dick van der Helm summer fellowship.

This keeps Felipe around through the summer where he will finish off the last installment of Kevin’s research. Felipe will be applying for grad schools in the fall – look out, your program does not want to pass him over!

The group at the departmental banquet: Jeff, Felipe, Christina, and Shengfeng


And so the spring semester comes to a close, and a last chance to capture the BourneLab group – I am so grateful to this team!

(L-R) Randon, Sam, Abbi, Shengfeng, Felipe, Jeff, Christina, and Dr. Kevin


Christina got to visit the Pacific Northwest CryoEM Center (PNCC) for 1.5 weeks and attend the NIH Common Fund CryoEM Users meeting – what an absolute treat!

The lab is proud of our First Year Research Experience (FYRE) students Randon and Nour, who presented results at the year-end poster presentation

Congrats to PhD candidate Shengfeng Ruan on his award of a Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Finishing Fellowship
This provides stipend support for Spring 2023, which we anticipate to be his final semester!!


Hooray – the Bourne lab has its first PhD graduate –>

Introducing Dr. Kevin Snead

I am so proud of Kevin’s accomplishments, and we wish him the best on the next steps!


Congrats to Felipe for Honorable Mention at this year’s Undergraduate Research Day.
He has also been awarded a prestigious Provost-level Fellowship to stay in the lab this summer and crank out research –
it is going to be the Summer of Felipe  😉

Felipe and Christina at URD


The lab attended the ASM Missouri Valley Branch Annual Meeting on March 10-11 at the beautiful Kansas State University!

Felipe, Jeff, Christina, Shengfeng, and Sam
Christina, Felipe, Jeff, Shengfeng, and Sam on the KSU campus









The group was very well represented with two poster presentations (including an award to Jeff!) and a flash talk.

I am a very lucky and proud PI!

Felipe hard at work




Jeff, his award check, and Dr. B
Shengfeng “flashing” his talk!










Welcome to our First Year Research Experience students!

Nour Bou Alwan
Randon Kanchanakomtorn