2017 Bourne Lab News

Thank you to all who pitched in this year, 2017 was great and I’m looking forward to a fantastic 2018!!


Last lab lunch of 2017 – just missing Tamiko!




(L to R): John White, Shandel Chang, Jessica Ames, Dr B, and Julia McGillick

Merry Christmas from the OU Structural Biologists!


Congratulations to Shivani Dabadi – former research student in the lab – for passing her Masters Exam!

The Bourne lab was well represented at the 16th annual Great Plains Infectious Disease conference held in Lawrence KS.  Undergraduates Jessica Ames and Tamiko Murphy presented posters on their research, and we all had a chance to catch up with former lab PostDoc Dr. Meena Muthu.  Great to see you!

Dr. Bourne traveled to Lawrence KS to present at the MidWest Regional ACS meeting in the Chemical Biology of Microbial Processes section.

The ACS Milli Mol was on site to greet scientists – thank you for a great meeting!

See http://mwrm2017.sites.acs.org/ for more information.






Press release: http://www.ou.edu/content/web/news_events/articles/news_2017/ou-research-group-awarded.html

The Phase II COBRE grant has been funded!!
Thank you to the leadership team and colleagues that were integral in this effort.
Hooray, the Bourne lab is once again funded by the OU COBRE in Structural Biology!Jessica Ames just checking in as she wraps up her study abroad at Exeter UK – she managed to grow protein crystals in the last week, and headed off to the Diamond Synchrotron facility to collect data!
Great picture – thanks for the update Jessica!


NSF REU in Structural Biology student Dan Griffith presented his poster on July 27th titled: “Deducing the binding environment of dihydroneopterin aldolase by probing with small chemical fragments”.
We wish Dan the best as he returns to the Univ. of Wisconsin to finish his undergraduate studies in biochemistry!

Summer INBRE student Liz Hargis presented her poster “Preparation of an mCherry-ParD fusion protein” on July 24th.  Good luck to Liz as she pursues her undergraduate degree and Southern Nazarene University – and have fun golfing!

The Bourne lab has been awarded funding from the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science!


Research Abroad is happening for lab undergraduate and superstar Jessica Ames – thanks to the support of the NSF and LSAMP programs, she will spend 9 weeks carrying out research in the lab of Dr. Nick Harmer at the University of Exeter.

Jessica and Dr. B in Exeter UK, Summer 2017

Congratulations Graduates!

Former lab member Anna Marie Rowell – good luck as you head off to graduate school in the Fall!

OU College of Arts and Sciences convocation was held on May 13th – I caught up with some lab alumni – we are proud of you!

Lab members goofing around at the Departmental Banquet, held on April 28th, 2017.  We were so proud of Jessica Ames (not pictured), recipient of the 2nd annual Undergraduate Research Scholarship in X-ray based Structural Biology!Bourne lab (L to R): Meena, Christina jr., Dr. B, Phil jr.,
Katie, John and Julia

Our spring FYRE students, Julia McGillick and Logesvar Balaguru represented our lab well at the poster session on May 3, 2017.  Great job guys!  Now, let’s go to lunch.  🙂

Bourne group, Spring 2017: (L to R) John, Meena, Jacob, Jessica, Katie, Logesh, Julia, and me.

The Bourne lab was well represented at the Spring Curiosity2Creativity symposium, with posters from Jacob McKinney (sponsored by a Mentored Research Fund) and Jessica Ames.
Dr. Meenakumari Muthuramalingam and Dr. Bourne attended the annual American Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting in Chicago (April 2017).  It was a fantastic meeting!  Dr. Bourne was a “Spotlight” speaker and Dr. Muthu presented the lab’s most recent work in a poster.

Meena at ASBMB 2017

Chicago is a beautiful place – and Dr. B got a quick visit into the University of Chicago.

The Chicago bean at night                                    U of Chicago Library’s great reading room