Welcome to rotating graduate student
Prabhat Kharel!
We welcomed the new cohort of graduate students to the department with an in-house poster presentation.
The Bourne lab was well represented by Walter Galie (Biochemistry co-first prize winner!), Jeff Tu, and Joel Landford. It is going to be a fantastic year for our science!!
It was also a great time for a new group photo:
The 74th annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association: the Structure Society, was held in Denver CO in July.
Oklahoma attendees including Dr. B, Rajan group member Chhandosee (3-Minute Thesis winner!), Dr. Rajan, and Dr. Mooers (OUHSC). We had a chance to catch up with our friends from the National Center for Cryo-EM Access and Training (pictured below at lunch).
This is a fantastic conference – varied crystallographic and structural content and increasing contributions from electron microscopy. They have lots of travel grants for students to attend – check it out! Information for next year’s “Diamond Anniversary” meeting
Graduation 2024!
Always bittersweet to celebrate while saying goodbye to lab members, but very excited for the bright futures each of these scientists has before them!
Shengfeng successfully defends his PhD
Simply could not be more proud of this work and outcome – congratulations!!
Shengfeng’s first author manuscript accepted, on the very day he also defends his dissertation 🙂