2020 Bourne Lab News

Grad student William Best has completed his rotation in the Bourne Lab – he made great progress – thank you for your hard work!!

(Still holding group meetings on Zoom, but at least we are back in the labs!!)


Looks like our Covid-19 assembly platform is funded!  We are so pleased to be part of
Stay tuned for more details!!


End-of-semester Lab gathering – it looks a bit different this time.
But – it meant that some old friends could check back in with us – great to see you all!
Thank you Bourne Lab for a great semester in spite of a global pandemic!

A list of things that we had cooking but, disappointingly, were cancelled due to CoVid-19:

ASM Regionals meeting  (including an invited talk + 4 posters from our group)
Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol (meet with legislators + 1 poster presentation from our group)
A handful of visiting seminars for Dr. Bourne
ASM Nationals meeting (Dr. Bourne was awarded a Peggy Cotter travel award to attend and present a poster)
Undergraduate Research Day (moved to online – great save! 3 videos from our lab!)
FYRE and Senior thesis poster session (moved to online – great save! 3 posters from our lab!)
Graduation ceremonies!
The Gordon Research Conference Microbial Stress Response
The OK-INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Program
(the starting point for MANY of the BourneLab’s rockstar UG researchers….)


It is with such bittersweet joy that we congratulate the latest Bourne Lab graduate – Julia McGillick!





She joined the lab during her Freshman year here at OU as part of the wonderful FYRE program.  I have been so happy that she has stuck with us for all these years – you will be very missed!

She has been a very productive student right to the end – with multiple co-authored publications (woo hoo!) and a beautiful Senior Thesis.  Come back to visit ANYTIME!!

Also Congrats! to former BourneLab member Collyn Kellog – he is heading off to med school in the fall!

Thank you!!

I am so grateful to all the fantastic BourneLab members, present and past!  (“All the feels”, as is said)
I firmly believe the only way to be a great mentor is to have great people and here at OU, we’ve got really great people!!

OU Faculty Awardees, 2020

A nice shout-out about success in mentoring in the latest Oklahoma College Mentoring newsletter –
I really appreciate the great students that LSAMP enables to succeed – great job!!


One of our (many) local Rockstar Undergraduate Researchers –
Amy Tan!
– has been recognized for her outstanding performance.
She was awarded an Undergraduate Research Opportunity grant for Spring 2020, and was selected as one of four undergraduates – from all of our OU Norman campus! – as a representative at the annual Research Day at the Capitol.
*Research Day was, in the end, cancelled due to Covid-19 



The campus at OU-Norman went research dark on March 24th to help slow the spread of CoVid-19.
Dr. Bourne put the lab to bed, and we all sincerely hope everyone stays safe and healthy and that we can return SOON!


Dr. B attended the GRC in Signal Transduction in Microbes (#STiM2020), held in lovely Ventura, California.
She presented our latest breakthroughs on the At YoeB toxin – get a preview on BioRXiv.
